Thursday, 21 June 2018

Executing a DB package at Bean with a return value by using HashMap

Executing a package with a return value.

    public HashMap getProductPrice(String compcode, String unitcode, String prodCode, Date invDate) {
        BindingContext bindingContext = BindingContext.getCurrent();
        DCDataControl dc = bindingContext.findDataControl("AppModuleAMDataControl");
        AppModuleAMImpl appM = (AppModuleAMImpl)dc.getDataProvider();
        System.out.println("**Price from ValueChange:"+compcode+" "+unitcode+" prodCode:"+prodCode);

        String sqlproc2 = "{? = call Pos_Inv_Validation_Pkg.Get_Price(?,?,?,sysdate,?,?)}";
        CallableStatement sqlProcStmt2 = appM.getDBTransaction().createCallableStatement(sqlproc2, 0);
        HashMap hm = new HashMap<String, Object>();

        try {
            sqlProcStmt2.registerOutParameter(1, Types.VARCHAR);
            sqlProcStmt2.setString(2, compcode);
            sqlProcStmt2.setString(3, unitcode);
            sqlProcStmt2.setString(4, prodCode);
            //sqlProcStmt2.setDate(5, invDate.dateValue());
            sqlProcStmt2.registerOutParameter(5, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR);
            sqlProcStmt2.registerOutParameter(6, java.sql.Types.INTEGER);

            BigDecimal v_ret_val = sqlProcStmt2.getBigDecimal(1);
            String priceType = sqlProcStmt2.getString(5);
            BigDecimal priceCntrlNo = sqlProcStmt2.getBigDecimal(6);
            hm.put("price", v_ret_val);
            hm.put("priceType", priceType);
            hm.put("priceCntrlNo", priceCntrlNo);

            System.out.println("v_ret_val " + v_ret_val+" --Date: "+invDate.dateValue()+" priceCntrlNo :"+priceCntrlNo+":priceType"+priceType);

        } catch (SQLException e) {


        return hm;

Sunday, 17 June 2018

Difference between 10g, 11g and 12c

Difference between 10g, 11g and 12c

Oracle Database 10g New Features:

NID utility has been introduced to change the database name and id.

Automated Storage Management (ASM). ASMB, RBAL, ARBx are the new background processes related to ASM.

New memory structure in SGA i.e. Streams pool (streams_pool_size parameter), useful for datapump activities & streams replication.

From Oracle 10g, the spool command can append to an existing one.
SQL> spool result.log append

Ability to rename tablespaces (except SYSTEM and SYSAUX), whether permanent or temporary, using the following command:


Oracle Database 11g New Features: 
Ability to mark a table as read only.
SQL> alter table table-name read only;

Temporary tablespace or it's tempfile can be shrinked, up to specified size.
SQL> alter tablespace temp-tbs shrink space;
SQL> alter tablespace temp-tbs shrink space keep n{K|M|G|T|P|E};

Introduction of ADR, single location of all error and trace data in the database, diagnostic_dump parameter

A new parameter is added in 11g, called MEMORY_TARGET, automatic memory management for both the SGA and PGA.

A system privelege is introduced in 11g called SYSASM, and this is granted to users who need to perform ASM related tasks.

Oracle Database 12c New Features: 
Moving and Renaming datafile is now ONLINE, no need to put datafile in offline.
SQL> alter database move datafile 'path' to 'new_path';

No need to shutdown database for changing archive log mode.

Like sysdba, sysoper & sysasm, we have new privileges, in Oracle 12.1.0.
sysbackup for backup operations
sysdg for Data Guard operations
syskm for key management

Centralised patching.
We can retrieve OPatch information using sqlplus query, using DBMS_QOPATCH package

SQL> select dbms_qopatch.get_opatch_lsinventory() from dual;

We can test patches on database copies, rolling patches out centrally once testing is complete.

New Commands
create pluggable database ...
alter pluggable database ...
drop pluggable database ...

New background processes - LREG (Listener Registration), SA (SGA Allocator), RM.

Oracle Database 12c Data Pump will allow turning off redo for the import operation (only).
$ impdp ... transform=disable_archive_logging:y

There are lots of differences! 

Some of the big ones are: 

- Multitenant/pluggable databases 
- In Memory ( 
- JSON support ( 
- Adaptive queries 
- New histogram types 
- SQL enhancements (match_recognize, PL/SQL in the with clause, ...) 

Tuesday, 12 June 2018

Pl/sql Interview Questions

----<<Difference between Bulk Collect and Culk Bind >>

Difference between Bulk collect and Forall. Bulk collect: is a CLAUSE. 
is used to fetch the records from the cursor. Forall: is a STATEMENT. ... 
The body of the FORALL statement is a single DML statement -- an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE

---What is the difference between normal sl and dynamic sql

Static or Embedded SQL are SQL statements in an application that do not change at runtime and, 
therefore, can be hard-coded into the application. Dynamic SQL is SQL statements that are constructed 
at runtime; for example, the application may allow users to enter their own queries.

Dynamic SQL is a programming technique that enables you to build SQL statements dynamically at runtime. You can create more general purpose, flexible applications by using dynamic SQL because the full text of a SQL statement may be unknown at compilation.

Below mentioned are the basic differences between Static or Embedded and Dynamic or Interactive SQL:

In Static SQL, how database will be accessed is predetermined in the embedded SQL statement. 
   In Dynamic SQL, how database will be accessed is determined at run time.
It is more swift and efficient. It is less swift and efficient.
SQL statements are compiled at compile time.    SQL statements are compiled at run time.
Parsing, Validation, Optimization and Generation of application plan are done at compile time. 
 Parsing, Validation, Optimization and Generation of application plan are done at run time.
It is generally used for situations where data is distributed uniformly.  
  It is generally used for situations where data is distributed non uniformly.
EXECUTE and PREPARE statements are used.
It is less flexible.    It is more flexible.
Limitation of Dynamic SQL:
We cannot use some of the SQL statements Dynamically.
Performance of these statements is poor as compared to Static SQL.

Limitations of Static SQL:
They do not change at runtime thus are hard-coded into applications

--Difference betwen view and mv
View    Materialized View
View is nothing but a set a sql statements together which join single or multiple tables and  shows the data  
Materialized view is a concept mainly used in Datawarehousing,
views does not store the data themselves but point to the data.
Materialized view store the data. Reason being it is easier/faster to access the data
View is a logical or virtual memory which is based on select query 
materialized view is physical duplicate data in a table,
it works faster than simple, Its works as snap shot and used for security purposes
simple view is the view in which we can not make DML command if the view is created by multiple tables
we can make DML command in materialize view
A view takes the output of a query and makes it appear like 
a virtual table Materialized views are schema objects that can be used to summarize, precompute, replicate, 
and distribute data. E.g. to construct a data warehouse.
You can use a view in most places where a table can be used 
A materialized view can be stored in the same database as its base table(s) or in a different database.
All operations performed on a view will affect data in the base table 
and so are subject to the integrity constraints and triggers of the base table.   
A materialized view provides indirect access to table data by storing the results of a query in a separate schema
object. Unlike an ordinary view, which does not take up any storage space or contain any data
/*Difference among Index by table, Nested table and Varray

Index by table
Nested table

1) What is GTT  ?

a) The statement to create a global temporary table (GTT) is similar to the definition 
of an ordinary table with the addition of the keywords GLOBAL TEMPORARY. In the clause
ON COMMIT, you specify if a table is bound to a transaction (DELETE ROWS) or 
to a session (PRESERVE ROWS).
When using a global temporary table you need only define the table once 

for the entire schema and then any user can insert directly into the table without the need to re-create 
the global temporary table.

ex :--create global temporary table
(sum_qty number) 
---a) ON COMMIT    :-
---b) DELETE ROWS  :-
---c) PRESERVE ROWS:- The rows of the table will be preserved.
---What is dynamic sql 
ans)  Compilation and execution will happend at run time.Its useful forwhen we dont know column names,table names
at run time,oracle olacle uses "late binding " for dynamic sql and "early binding" for statc sql.
Fake compilation will happen at compilation stage but actuval compilation will happend at run time.

Methods of implementing is
1)execute immediate
2)  using a package called DBMS_SQL package
we cane use trucate or drop command directly in plsql .So we are using execute immediate
we can pass table name and column name to drop table at run time .

--wt is the difference between cursor and ref cursor

nornal cursor :- create one varible and that each variable can hold one particular set of result.
refcursor is reference curosr the most useful for dynamic sql concepts.
ref cursor :it can store different result set at different points of time.
ref cursor is user defined datatype which are very much helpful to return multiple records 
from procedure or functions

type test is ref cursor;
var test;
vrev emp%rowtype;
vrec2 dept%rowtype;
open var for 'select * from emp';
fetch var into vrec;
exit when var%notfound;
End ;
open var for 'select * from dept';
fetch var into vrec2;
exit when var%notfound;
End loop;;
close var;
refcursor are 2 types :strong and week 
--1) wt is the difference between cusroe and ref cusrsor?

A) ref cursor is a pointer to a result set. This is normally used to open a query on the database server,
then leave it up to the client to fetch the result it needs. A ref cursor is also a cursor, 
though normally ther term cursor is used when discussing static SQL.
2)In case of a normal explict cursor, the SQL query has to be defined at the time of declaring the cursor itself.
For example :
3)In case of REF Cursor, the cursor declartion is not associated with any SQL query,
 it is associated with a query at a later stage which brings in a lot of flexibility as different SQL
  queries can be associated with the cursor (one at a time, offcourse) programatically.

For example :
TYPE rc is ref cursor;
cur1 rc;
open cur1 for 'select * from tab';
#some code

1) A ref cursor can not be used in CURSOR FOR LOOP, it must be used in simple CURSOR LOOP statement as in example.

2) A ref cursor is defined at runtime and can be opened dynamically but 
a regular cursor is static and defined at compile time.

3) A ref cursor can be passed to another PL/SQL routine (function or procedure)
or returned to a client. A regular cursor cannot be returned to a client application 
and must be consumed within same routine.

4) A ref cursor incurs a parsing penalty because it cannot cached but regular 
cursor will be cached by PL/SQL which can lead to a significant reduction in CPU utilization.

5) A regular cursor can be defined outside of a procedure or a function as a global package variable. 
A ref cursor cannot be; it must be local in scope to a block of PL/SQL code.

6) A regular cursor can more efficiently retrieve data than ref cursor.
A regular cursor can implicitly fetch 100 rows at a time if used with CURSOR FOR LOOP. 
A ref cursor must use explicit array fetching.

Use of ref cursors should be limited to only when you have a requirement of returning result sets to clients 
and when there is NO other efficient/effective means of achieving the goal.
----+ve and -ne value query with case
select sum(case when sal<0 Then sal end) nval,
sum(case when sal>0 Then sal end) pval  from emp
-----+ve and -ne value query with sign
select sum(decode(sign(sal),1,sal)),sum(decode(sign(sal),-1,sal)) from emp


---q) what is collection and examples with types

And) A Collection is an ordered group of elements of particular data types. It can be a collection 
of simple data type or
complex data type (like user-defined or record types).

Collections are most useful things when a large data of the same type need to be processed or manipulated. 
Collections can be populated
and manipulated as whole using 'BULK' option in Oracle.

Collections are classified based on the structure, subscript, and storage as shown below.

Index-by-tables (also known as Associative Array)
Nested tables

At any point, data in the collection can be referred by three terms Collection name, 
Subscript, Field/Column name as "<collection_name>(<subscript>).<column_name>". You are going 
to learn about these above-mentioned collection categories further in the below section.

Varray is a collection method in which the size of the array is fixed.
The array size cannot be exceeded than its fixed value. The subscript of the Varray is of a numeric value. 
Following are the attributes of Varrays.

Upper limit size is fixed
Populated sequentially starting with the subscript '1'
This collection type is always dense, i.e. we cannot delete any array elements. 
Varray can be deleted as a whole, or it can be trimmed from the end.
Since it always is dense in nature, it has very less flexibility.
It is more appropriate to use when the array size is known and to perform similar activities 
on all the array elements.
The subscript and sequence always remain stable, i.e. the subscript and count of the collection is always same.
They need to be initialized before using them in programs. Any operation (except EXISTS operation) 
on an uninitialized collection will throw an error.
It can be created as a database object, which is visible throughout the database or inside the subprogram, 
which can be used only in that subprogram.
The below figure will explain the memory allocation of Varray (dense) diagrammatically.

Subscript   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
Value   Xyz Dfv Sde Cxs Vbc Nhu Qwe
Syntax for VARRAY:


In the above syntax, type_name is declared as VARRAY of the type 'DATA_TYPE' for the given size limit. 
The data type can be either simple or complex type.
Nested Tables
A Nested table is a collection in which the size of the array is not fixed. It has the numeric subscript type. 
Below are more descriptions about nested table type.
The Nested table has no upper size limit.
Since the upper size limit is not fixed, the collection, memory needs to be extended each time before we use it.
We can extend the collection using 'EXTEND' keyword.
Populated sequentially starting with the subscript '1'.
This collection type can be of both dense and sparse, i.e. we can create the collection as a dense, and we can also 
delete the individual array element randomly, which make it as sparse.
It gives more flexibility regarding deleting the array element.
It is stored in the system generated database table and can be used in the select query to fetch the values.
The subscript and sequence are not stable, i.e. the subscript and the count of the array element can vary.
They need to be initialized before using them in programs. Any operation (except EXISTS operation)
on the uninitialized collection will throw an error.
It can be created as a database object, which is visible throughout the database or inside the subprogram,
which can be used only in that subprogram.
The below figure will explain the memory allocation of Nested Table (dense and sparse) diagrammatically. 
The black colored element space denotes the empty element in a collection i.e. sparse.

Subscript   1   2   3   4   5   6   7
Value (dense)   Xyz Dfv Sde Cxs Vbc Nhu Qwe
Value(sparse)   Qwe     Asd Afg     Asd Wer
Syntax for Nested Table:

In the above syntax, type_name is declared as Nested table collection of the type 'DATA_TYPE'.
The data type can be either simple or complex type.
Index-by-table is a collection in which the array size is not fixed. Unlike the other collection types, in the index-by-table collection the subscript can consist be defined by the user. Following are the attributes of index-by-table.

The subscript can of integer or strings. At the time of creating the collection, the subscript
type should be mentioned.
These collections are not stored sequentially.
They are always sparse in nature.
The array size is not fixed.
They cannot be stored in the database column. They shall be created and used in any program in that particular
They give more flexibility in terms of maintaining subscript.
The subscripts can be of negative subscript sequence also.
They are more appropriate to use for relatively smaller collective values in which the 
collection can be initialized and used within the same subprograms.
They need not be initialized before start using them.
It cannot be created as a database object. It can only be created inside the subprogram, 
which can be used only in that subprogram.
BULK COLLECT cannot be used in this collection type as the subscript should be given explicitly 
for each record in the collection.
The below figure will explain the memory allocation of Nested Table (sparse) diagrammatically. 
The black colored element space denotes the empty element in a collection i.e. sparse.

Value(sparse)   Qwe     Asd Afg     Asd Wer
Syntax for Index-by-Table


In the above syntax, type_name is declared as an index-by-table collection of the type 'DATA_TYPE'. 
The data type can be either simple or complex type. The subsciprt/index variable is given as VARCHAR2 
type with maximum size as 10.
<<Methods of clooetion>>
1) EXISTS ,count,limit,first,last,prior,next,delete,delete(n)..
--<<Difference between Bulk Collect and Culk Bind >>

Difference between Bulk collect and Forall. Bulk collect: is a CLAUSE. 
is used to fetch the records from the cursor. Forall: is a STATEMENT. ... 
The body of the FORALL statement is a single DML statement -- an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE

Session Clear

 Select 'alter system kill session '''|| sid_serial#||''''||chr(010)||'/' from locked_objects_info_v...