PACKAGE Pkg_number2word is
Function Num2Word_million (pCompCode varchar2, pAmount Number) return varchar2 ;
Function Num2Word_crore (pCompCode varchar2, pAmount Number) return Varchar2 ;
Function Interprt (pAmount Number) return Varchar2 ;
Function Numbertext (pAmount Number) return Varchar2 ;
PACKAGE BODY pkg_number2word is
Function Num2Word_million(pCompCode varchar2, pAmount Number) return Varchar2 is
vWord Varchar2(200) ;
vAmount Number(15,2) ;
vBillionHundred Number(15) Default 0 ;
vBillion Number(15) Default 0 ;
vMillionHundred Number(15) Default 0 ;
vMillion Number(10) Default 0 ;
vHundredThousand Number(12) Default 0 ;
vThousand Number(10) Default 0 ;
vHundred Number(10) Default 0 ;
vOnes Number(2) Default 0 ;
vDecimal Number(2) Default 0 ;
vCurrCode Cm004_comp_mst.curr_code%type ;
vCurrSubUnit Cm001_currency_mst.subunit%type ;
-- vCurrMainUnit Cm001_currency_mst.mainunit%type ;
vCurrMainUnit varchar2(500);
vAmount := Abs(pAmount) ;
Select Floor(vAmount/100000000000) Into vBillionHundred From Dual ;
If vBillionHundred >= 1 then
vAmount := vAmount-(vBillionHundred*100000000000) ;
End if;
Select Floor(vAmount/1000000000) Into vBillion From Dual ;
If vBillion >= 1 then
vAmount := vAmount-(vBillion*1000000000) ;
End if;
Select Floor(vAmount/100000000) Into vMillionHundred From Dual ;
If vMillionHundred >= 1 then
vAmount := vAmount-(vMillionHundred*100000000) ;
End if;
Select Floor(vAmount/1000000) Into vMillion From Dual ;
If vMillion >= 1 then
vAmount := vAmount-(vMillion*1000000) ;
End if;
Select Floor(vAmount/100000) Into vHundredThousand From Dual ;
If vHundredThousand >= 1 then
vAmount := vAmount-(vHundredThousand*100000) ;
End if;
Select Floor(vAmount/1000) Into vThousand From Dual ;
If vThousand >= 1 then
vAmount := vAmount-(vThousand*1000) ;
End if;
Select Floor(vAmount/100) Into vHundred From Dual ;
If vHundred >= 1 then
vAmount := vAmount-(vHundred*100) ;
End if;
Select (pAmount - trunc(pAmount,0)) * 100 Into vDecimal From Dual ;
vOnes := vAmount - (vDecimal/100) ;
vWord := '' ;
If vBillionHundred >= 1 then
vWord := vWord || Interprt(vBillionHundred)||' HUNDRED ' ;
If vBillion = 0 then
vWord := vWord || Interprt(vBillion)||' BILLION ' ;
End if ;
End if ;
If vBillion >= 1 then
vWord := vWord || Interprt(vBillion)||' BILLION ' ;
End if ;
If vMillionHundred >= 1 then
vWord := vWord || Interprt(vMillionHundred)||' HUNDRED ' ;
-----if million is 0 then appends the million
If vMillion = 0 then
vWord := vWord || Interprt(vMillion)||' MILLION ' ;
End if ;
End if ;
If vMillion >= 1 then
vWord := vWord || Interprt(vMillion)||' MILLION ' ;
End if ;
---------prints the hundred thousand
If vHundredThousand >= 1 then
vWord := vWord || Interprt(vHundredThousand)||' HUNDRED ' ;
-----if thousand is 0 then appends the thousand
If vThousand = 0 then
vWord := vWord || Interprt(vThousand)||' THOUSAND ' ;
End if ;
End if ;
If vThousand >= 1 then
vWord := vWord || Interprt(vThousand)||' THOUSAND ' ;
End if ;
If vHundred >= 1 then
vWord := vWord || Interprt(vHundred)||' HUNDRED ' ;
End if ;
SELECT a.curr_code INTO vCurrCode
FROM Cm004_comp_mst a
WHERE a.comp_code = pCompCode ;
When Others Then
vCurrCode := null;
If vCurrCode is not null Then
SELECT a.subunit, a.mainunit INTO vCurrSubUnit, vCurrMainUnit
FROM Cm001_currency_mst a
WHERE a.curr_code = vCurrCode ;
When Others Then
vCurrMainUnit := null ;
vCurrSubUnit := null ;
End ;
End If;
vWord := vWord || Interprt(vOnes)||' '||Nvl(vCurrMainUnit, 'DOLLARS') ;
If vDecimal > 0 then
If vWord is not null then
-- vWord := vWord ||' AND '|| Interprt(vDecimal)||' '||Nvl(vCurrSubUnit, 'CENTS') || ' ONLY' ;
If trim(vWord) ='DOLLARS' then -- Naren added on 20/06/2022
dbms_output.put_line('entered in if dollars');
vWord :=pkg_number2word.Interprt(vDecimal)||' '||Nvl(vCurrSubUnit, 'CENTS') || ' ONLY' ;
vWord := vWord ||' AND '|| pkg_number2word.Interprt(vDecimal)||' '||Nvl(vCurrSubUnit, 'CENTS') || ' ONLY' ;
End If;
vWord := Interprt(vDecimal)||' '||Nvl(vCurrSubUnit, 'CENTS')||' ONLY' ;
End if;
If vWord is not null Then
vWord := vWord || ' ONLY' ;
End If;
End if ;
Return (vWord);
When Value_Error then
return null ;
Function Num2Word_crore (pCompCode varchar2, pAmount Number) return Varchar2 IS
vWord Varchar2(200) ;
vAmount Number(15,2) ;
vBillionHundred Number(15) Default 0 ;
vBillion Number(15) Default 0 ;
vMillionHundred Number(15) Default 0 ;
vMillion Number(10) Default 0 ;
vHundredThousand Number(12) Default 0 ;
vThousand Number(10) Default 0 ;
vHundred Number(10) Default 0 ;
vOnes Number(2) Default 0 ;
vDecimal Number(2) Default 0 ;
vCurrCode Cm004_comp_mst.curr_code%type ;
vCurrSubUnit Cm001_currency_mst.subunit%type ;
-- vCurrMainUnit Cm001_currency_mst.mainunit%type ;
vCurrMainUnit varchar2(500);
vAmount := Abs(pAmount) ;
Select Floor(vAmount/100000000000) Into vBillionHundred From Dual ;
If vBillionHundred >= 1 then
vAmount := vAmount-(vBillionHundred*100000000000) ;
End if;
Select Floor(vAmount/1000000000) Into vBillion From Dual ;
If vBillion >= 1 then
vAmount := vAmount-(vBillion*1000000000) ;
End if;
Select Floor(vAmount/100000000) Into vMillionHundred From Dual ;
If vMillionHundred >= 1 then
vAmount := vAmount-(vMillionHundred*100000000) ;
End if;
Select Floor(vAmount/1000000) Into vMillion From Dual ;
If vMillion >= 1 then
vAmount := vAmount-(vMillion*1000000) ;
End if;
Select Floor(vAmount/100000) Into vHundredThousand From Dual ;
If vHundredThousand >= 1 then
vAmount := vAmount-(vHundredThousand*100000) ;
End if;
Select Floor(vAmount/1000) Into vThousand From Dual ;
If vThousand >= 1 then
vAmount := vAmount-(vThousand*1000) ;
End if;
Select Floor(vAmount/100) Into vHundred From Dual ;
If vHundred >= 1 then
vAmount := vAmount-(vHundred*100) ;
End if;
Select (pAmount - trunc(pAmount,0)) * 100 Into vDecimal From Dual ;
vOnes := vAmount - (vDecimal/100) ;
vWord := '' ;
If vBillionHundred >= 1 then
vWord := vWord || Interprt(vBillionHundred)||' HUNDRED ' ;
If vBillion = 0 then
vWord := vWord || Interprt(vBillion)||' BILLION ' ;
End if ;
End if ;
If vBillion >= 1 then
vWord := vWord || Interprt(vBillion)||' BILLION ' ;
End if ;
If vMillionHundred >= 1 then
vWord := vWord || Interprt(vMillionHundred)||' HUNDRED ' ;
-----if million is 0 then appends the million
If vMillion = 0 then
vWord := vWord || Interprt(vMillion)||' MILLION ' ;
End if ;
End if ;
If vMillion >= 1 then
vWord := vWord || Interprt(vMillion)||' MILLION ' ;
End if ;
---------prints the hundred thousand
If vHundredThousand >= 1 then
vWord := vWord || Interprt(vHundredThousand)||' HUNDRED ' ;
-----if thousand is 0 then appends the thousand
If vThousand = 0 then
vWord := vWord || Interprt(vThousand)||' THOUSAND ' ;
End if ;
End if ;
If vThousand >= 1 then
vWord := vWord || Interprt(vThousand)||' THOUSAND ' ;
End if ;
If vHundred >= 1 then
vWord := vWord || Interprt(vHundred)||' HUNDRED ' ;
End if ;
SELECT a.curr_code INTO vCurrCode
FROM Cm004_comp_mst a
WHERE a.comp_code = pCompCode ;
When Others Then
vCurrCode := null;
If vCurrCode is not null Then
SELECT a.subunit, a.mainunit INTO vCurrSubUnit, vCurrMainUnit
FROM Cm001_currency_mst a
WHERE a.curr_code = vCurrCode ;
When Others Then
vCurrMainUnit := null ;
vCurrSubUnit := null ;
End ;
End If;
vWord := vWord || Interprt(vOnes)||' '||Nvl(vCurrMainUnit, 'DOLLARS') ;
If vDecimal > 0 then
If vWord is not null then
vWord := vWord ||' AND '|| Interprt(vDecimal)||' '||Nvl(vCurrSubUnit, 'CENTS') || ' ONLY' ;
vWord := Interprt(vDecimal)||' '||Nvl(vCurrSubUnit, 'CENTS')||' ONLY' ;
End if;
If vWord is not null Then
vWord := vWord || ' ONLY' ;
End If;
End if ;
Return (vWord);
When Value_Error then
return null ;
/* vWord Varchar2(100) ;
vAmount Number(13,2) ;
vCrore Number(10) Default 0 ;
vLakhs Number(10) Default 0 ;
vThousand Number(10) Default 0 ;
vHundred Number(10) Default 0 ;
vOnes Number(2) Default 0 ;
vDecimal Number(2) Default 0 ;
vCurrCode Cm004_comp_mst.curr_code%type ;
vCurrSubUnit Cm001_currency_mst.subunit%type ;
vCurrMainUnit Cm001_currency_mst.mainunit%type ;
vAmount := Abs(pAmount) ;
Select Floor(vAmount/10000000) Into vCrore From Dual ;
If vCrore >= 1 then
vAmount := vAmount-(vCrore*10000000) ;
End if;
Select Floor(vAmount/100000) Into vLakhs From Dual ;
If vLakhs >= 1 then
vAmount := vAmount-(vLakhs*100000) ;
End if;
Select Floor(vAmount/1000) Into vThousand From Dual ;
If vThousand >= 1 then
vAmount := vAmount-(vThousand*1000) ;
End if;
Select Floor(vAmount/100) Into vHundred From Dual ;
If vHundred >= 1 then
vAmount := vAmount-(vHundred*100) ;
End if;
Select (pAmount - trunc(pAmount,0)) * 100 Into vDecimal From Dual ;
vOnes := vAmount - (vDecimal/100) ;
vWord := '' ;
If vCrore >= 1 then
vWord := vWord || Interprt(vCrore)||' Crores ' ;
End if ;
If vLakhs >= 1 then
vWord := vWord || Interprt(vLakhs)||' Lakhs ' ;
End if ;
If vThousand >= 1 then
vWord := vWord || Interprt(vThousand)||' Thousand ' ;
End if ;
If vHundred >= 1 then
vWord := vWord || Interprt(vHundred)||' Hundred ' ;
End if ;
SELECT a.curr_code INTO vCurrCode
FROM Cm004_comp_mst a
WHERE a.comp_code = pCompCode ;
When Others Then
vCurrCode := null;
If vCurrCode is not null Then
SELECT a.subunit, a.mainunit INTO vCurrSubUnit, vCurrMainUnit
FROM Cm001_currency_mst a
WHERE a.curr_code = vCurrCode ;
When Others Then
vCurrMainUnit := null ;
vCurrSubUnit := null ;
End ;
End If;
vWord := vWord || Interprt(vOnes)||' '||Nvl(vCurrMainUnit, 'Rupees') ;
If vDecimal > 0 then
vWord := vWord || ' And ' || Interprt(vDecimal)||' '||Nvl(vCurrSubUnit, 'Paise') || ' Only' ;
If vWord is not null Then
vWord := vWord || ' ONLY' ;
End If;
End if ;
When Value_Error then
return null ;*/
Function Interprt(pAmount Number) return Varchar2 is
vText Varchar2(1000);
vText := '' ;
If pAmount > 20 then
vText := NumberText(trunc(pAmount,-1)) ;
vText := vText || ' ' || NumberText(pAmount - trunc(pAmount,-1)) ;
vText := NumberText(pAmount) ;
End if ;
Return vText ;
Function Numbertext(pAmount Number) return Varchar2 IS
vText Varchar2(100) ;
Select Decode(pAmount,
1, 'ONE',
2, 'TWO',
3, 'THREE',
4, 'FOUR',
5, 'FIVE',
6, 'SIX',
7, 'SEVEN',
8, 'EIGHT',
9, 'NINE',
90,'NINETY',100,'HUNDRED' ) Into vText From Dual ;
Return vText ;